Information from the police office in Ho Chi Minh City said that on March 23, 2021, a young man named Thang, a native of Dak Nong, Vietnam, was arrested by the police of Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City for his behavior. Stealing property that this object has done before.
After the incident, the security camera of Viettinbank on Nguyen Minh Hoang Street, Ward 12, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City, captured a thief wearing a T-shirt, shorts, broke in at 4:00. three days ago. He rummaged through the balcony of the first floor from the balcony, opened the door to the many rooms, and rummaged through his laptop.
Received the news, many scouts checked, tracked, arrested Thang and seized 3 laptop evidences. Thang declared 2 other computers and sold nearly 3 million VND. The case is continuing to be investigated for clarification.
Article collection, private investigation service in Vietnam.