Information from the police agency of Ky Anh town, Ha Tinh, Vietnam, said that this unit has issued a decision to prosecute and order the arrest of the accused for temporary detention against Nguyen Quoc Nhat for the crime of “resisting the executor”. public service” on 7/7/2021.
At 9:15 am on May 27, 2021, according to the plan, the Traffic Police – Order Team of Ky Anh Town Police will patrol and control traffic on the road in Hung Tri ward, Ky Anh town. Detecting two subjects driving BKS 38M1: 171.44 motorcycles without helmets at Lane 136, Le Dai Hanh Street, Hung Tri Ward, the working group gave an order to stop the vehicle to check, the subjects did not comply. threatening words, using knives to attack traffic police.
After the incident happened, the police of Ky Anh town conducted an investigation and identified the following subjects: Tran Dinh Vu and Nguyen Quoc Nhat, both residing in Ky Thu commune, Ky Anh district, Ha Tinh province, Vietnam. .
Japan is a drug addict, has 4 previous convictions, criminal records, direct threats, acts of using knives to attack police forces. The case is still being investigated by the authorities.
Private investigation service in Vietnam